Monday, November 26, 2012

Together Dogs

I tried to get a good picture of them together in front of the fire.

Princess Maggie

This is Daisy's big sister Maggie. She is a King Charles Spaniel. She absolutely refused to pose for me... even though i was offering her treats!!! I still got some good shots though

Daisy (Catching the Eyes)

My goal for taking pictures of Daisy was to catch her eyes. I finally finally got two good closeups.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Andrew Guarding the Ball

The main person in all these is Andrew. He is 6'2, making basketball something that comes quite easily to him because he has the ability to block and get around other people.

Miscellaneous Basketball things.

More basketball pictures. I love the bottom one even though other people might not like it. It seems almost mystical to me, with my brother Jake reaching up toward the ball which is so far away.

Jake and basketball

This is also during the basketball game. The person handling the ball is my brother Jake, who likes to say that he isn't good at basketball. I call bullshit on that.

Noah Handling the Ball

The day after Thanksgiving, my brothers and my friends decided to have a basketball game. I decided to take pictures and ended up with a lot of them. These three are of my brother Noah handling the ball. The people in the background are the other players.